CMD2020GEFES: Molecular identification based on AFM with CO tips and Deep Learning
The CMD2020GEFES is a large international conference covering all aspects of condensed matter physics. CMD2020GEFES is an Europhysics Conference, as recognized by the Action Committee on Conferences of the European Physical Society. The 28th series of the CMD2020GEFES was originaly planned to take place in Madrid between the 31st and […]
StarFormMapper: Third and last Workshop, York
Autumn has officially arrived at the Quasar offices, and with it, our team members have hit the ground running with the many projects on deck. One such project, StarFormMapper, saw some of our dedicated team members travel to York to collaborate and discuss the Horizon 2020 project’s upcoming completion with […]
Mars Atmospheric Science and Recent Mars Missions Workshop
Spring is coming to an end, but Quasar is determined to end it with as much representation as possible! On Wednesday, May 22, and Thursday, May 23, one of our project managers represented our work and our company at the Europlanet-sponsored Mars Atmospheric Science and Recent Mars Missions Workshop in […]
Digital Enterprise Show 2019
Another recent success for Quasar was our participation at the Digital Enterprise Show, DES, held at IFEMA – Feria de Madrid between Tuesday, May 21, and Thursday, May 23. The annual DES had more than 300 of the world’s top tech companies participate, a Congress with 450 of the world’s […]
Living Planet Symposium 2019
Our many projects in the works at Quasar offices aren’t keeping us from interacting at important expositions, shows, and symposiums; our attendance at the Living Planet Symposium in Milan, Italy in the middle of May proves just that! The European Space Agency’s 2019 Living Planet Symposium focused on two main […]
Global Robot Expo 2019
Quasar made sure to start May off on the right foot with attendance and participation at the Global Robot Expo at IFEMA – Feria de Madrid on Wednesday, May 8, and Thursday, May 9. The annual two-day international exhibition focused on innovation, robotics, and other related technologies that will greatly […]
Quasar at the I Foro de Comunicación Salud Digital
On the 15th of November 2018 Quasar was present in the I Foro de Comunicación Salud Digital that took place at Caixa Forum, Madrid. The goal of this forum was to discuss how to close the gap between the new emerging communication technologies and the patients. Pablo Alejandro, from Quasar, […]
Quasar will be present at the I Foro de Comunicación Salud Digital
Quasar will have presence in the I Foro de Comunicación Salud Digital that will take place at Caixa Forum, Madrid. The goal of this forum is to discuss how to close the gap between the new emerging communication technologies and the patients. Pablo Alejandro, from Quasar, will participate in the […]
Quasar at the XIII SEA Meeting in Salamanca
The Sociedad Española de Astronomía (SEA) organized its XIII Scientific Annual Meeting in the city of Salamanca between the 16th and 20th of July 2018. This year the meeting took place at the Hospedería del Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca, as one of the acts taking place within the celebration of the VIII […]