
Forest Health and Plague Control

We are happy to announce that we have been granted a project, to be developed in the region of Castilla y León (Spain), to monitor the progression of the processionary moth, combining multispectral satellite data, Synthetic-Aperture Radar (SAR), in-situ data from drones and environmental data, with Artificial Intelligence. The pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) […]

New Generation of Proposal Handling System (PHS)
for ESA Missions: Evolution of XMM-Newton Software

Last week we attended the Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems XXXIII in Tucson (Arizona), were Jose Antonio Quero from Quasar presented his work on the development of the new generation of Proposal Handling System (PHS) for ESA missions. In the latest years, the evolution of the ESA XMM-Newton PHS […]

Air and Sea Traffic Risk Avoidance Model

February 2023 – To lower the risk of human casualties and infrastructural damage on terrestrial assets, Share My Space was selected by ESA to conceptualize an end-to-end software able to model space operations failures’ impact on air and sea traffic. Terrestrial risks presented by explosive or destructive failures from spacecrafts, […]

Industrial Doctorate: Development of forest wildfire risk maps in real time using remote sensing techniques for the Comunidad de Madrid

Forest fires have become a pressing issue in today’s world due to the growing frequency and severity of these disasters. In response to this challenge, Quasar has launched an industrial PhD project to develop a fire risk model. The project awarded by the Industrial Doctorate program of the Comunidad de […]

SIMBAD Product Presentations

We have been working hard over 2022 in expanding our Products and Capabilities in the area of Remote Sensing using satellite data. Not only have we released a full catalogue of Products and Applications, but we have created a set of presentations that we hope give you a good idea […]

Yebes Observatory

On the 19th of November 2020 an agreement was signed between the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and the Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG) for the execution of the project “Infraestructuras para la actualización de los radiotelescopios del Observatorio de Yebes (YNART)” co-financed by the FEDER Spanish programme 2014-2020. […]

Industrial Doctorate: Evaluation of Agricultural Systems through Remote Sensing Time Series and Dynamic Models Prediction

In July 2020, Quasar submitted, in collaboration with the Department of Forest Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a project with title Evaluation of Agricultural Systems through Remote Sensing Time Series and Dynamic Models Prediction, to the Industrial Doctorate programme of the Comunidad de Madrid. We are happy to announce […]

Paper on Nature Communications: Surface-controlled reversal of the selectivity of halogen bonds

Quasar’s Jaime Carracero has participated in the work which has resulted in the publication of the Nature Communications paper with title: Surface-controlled reversal of the selectivity of halogen bonds. ABSTRACT: “Intermolecular halogen bonds are ideally suited for designing new molecular assemblies because of their strong directionality and the possibility […]

ARC: A project devoted to Automation and Autonomous On-Board System for Collision Risk Management

Quasar Science Resources has teamed up with Share My Space and l’Observatoire de Paris to tackle a project for the CNES, the French Space Agency, for the automation of the processes for collision risk management of space satellites. The project officially started at the end of August 2020 and runs for […]