Quasar Science Resources joins the GenObIA team. Since 1998 the World Health Organization (WHO) considers obesity as a global epidemic with a great risk for public health. The goal of GenObIA is to develop artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms from socioeconomic, cultural, physical and nutritional information to predict the risk of suffering obesity and associated health problems. A second goal of the project is to include genetic information related to the ability to perform physical exercise and metabolize the different nutrients found in the diet.

The team is led by Dr. Antonio López Farré (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and includes the participation of several Universities and Hospitals of the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) region. The study will count with the help of several institutions, including sports associations, emergency units and health services, that will help to get a good sample of individuals with different lifestyles and backgrounds.
Quasar will add its expertise to GenObIA in the area of software development and will build the IT infrastructure around all the information that the project will gather so that it is easily accessible to the medical and AI development teams.