Quasar-022016: H2020-COMPET-2015 European Commission Call
A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters
Generic Position Title: Senior/Junior Software Engineer
Location: QUASAR Science Resources, S.L. premises at Las Rozas de Madrid, Spain
Start Date: 1 July 2016
Contract Type: Permanent Position
Salary Range:
Senior Software Enginner: 32.5-37.5 keuros
Junior Software Enginner: 27.5-32.5 keuros
Number of FTEs: 2.0
Senior Software Engineer Job Description: Quasar-022016-01-H2020SESenior
Junior Software Engineer Job Description: Quasar-022016-02-H2020SEJunior
Deadline for Application: 15th of June 2016
The key scientific aim of the H2020 proposal (StarFormMapper) in which QUASAR participates is to combine data from two of ESA’s major space missions, Gaia and Herschel, together with ground based facilities, to constrain the mechanisms that underlie massive star and star cluster formation. Collectively, these facilities represent a considerable fraction of the total investment by Europe in astronomy. Taken separately, however, these missions give an incomplete picture but their combination will cover all stages from the formation of molecular cores, through the formation of stars, to the dispersal of the gas in young clusters. The work to be done will require new techniques in order to extract the full scientific value from this combination. New and automated statistical techniques will be developed and common user tools will provide a community wide benefit. The scientific results will underpin the study of how all galaxies evolve.
Quasar will provide the technical support on the implementation and virtualization of the scientific software for the project “A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters” that will be developed within the framework of the H2020 EC program. In particular, QUASAR will deal with the creation of the necessary software tools in order to handle the algorithms for statistical analysis of combined Gaia, Herschel and other data for young star clusters and the visualization of the results of the analysis. The software package will consist of a Virtual Infrastructure that will contain the algorithm plus accompanying software, Client/Server systems to interact with it, Client/Server access to the Gaia and other external, if needed, Archives, and Client/Server systems for the 3D visualization of the analysis results.
The project will be developed in coordination with astronomy departments of different universities across Europe. This is a three and a half years project funded by the European Commission H2020 initiative. The presence of Quasar within the consortium will ensure commercial quality software solutions that will interface naturally with existing astronomical tools. It will also ensure the transfer of any relevant new methods out into the wider economy.
Work Package Overview
The work to be done by QUASAR will be conducted by two software engineers, which will be hired for the duration of the project (role 1) and the duration of the project minus 6 months (role 2). Role 1 will be more senior and take responsibility for also supervising role 2.
Following a three layer architecture, the following subsystems will be implemented by QUASAR:
· A Client interface to access the existing, either in production or development, algorithms for mass inversion, as designed by the scientific team within the project. The Client should allow tointeract with the algorithm in order to add/modify/implement, physical conditions, input parameters and output data
· A Server implementation, running on the virtualized infrastructure, able to handle and inject different algorithms including a wrapper on top of the input data
· Data access mechanisms that will include not only access to the Gaia, or other, Archive data but, also, all the auxiliary data needed by the algorithm
Last, proper visualization of the results will be needed to allow users the scientific evaluation of the results. This implies the design of two new components: a Data Visualization Server that will resample the data on the server side to allow client visualization, and a Data Visualization Client that will allow the exploration of the results in 3D.
We have highlighted 7 Work Packages within this project. The candidates will participate in all of them.
· Work Package Management
· VM Infrastructure
· Dynamic Evolution Added Value Interface (DEAVI) Server Implementation
· Remote Interface to the Stellar Evolution Algorithm (RISEA) Server/Client
· Data Visualization Server
· Data Visualization Client
· Software Quality Assurance
More information about the working packages is given in the following files: Quasar-022016-01-H2020SESenior and Quasar-022016-02-H2020SEJunior
Specific tasks / requirements for this position
The candidate should be able to coordinate the different aspects of an European project.
Virtualization of scientific software and develop needed routines. Development of advanced visualization modules. Responsible of the creation of the documentation required by the European Commission for all the different milestones of the project. Communication contact point with the different partners of the project.
Specific knowledge is required in the following areas:
- Expert on software engineering processes and general programming skills
- Experience on software configuration control tools (e.g. subversion and ivy)
- Extensive experience in JAVA and/or Python programming languages
- Experience in documentation and communication skills
- Experience in GRID technology (Grid Engine), Cloud computing and Virtualization technologies
- Experience in designing multi-tier architecture applications
- Experience with Docker will be an asset
- Experience in handling of astronomical data would be an asset
- Knowledge of IVOA protocols would be an asset
- Experience in 3D software development (especially cross-platform engines like Unity) would be an asset
- Linux and PC/Windows environment
Specific Qualification Requirements
Position covered by this work package will require at least a University degree or equivalent in computer science or related fields
Other Information
The selected provider must be willing to short travels for the development of the project . Good interpersonal and communication skills, together with a pro-active attitude to problem solving is required. The candidate must be fluent in written and spoken English.
Specific tasks / requirements for this position
Virtualization of scientific software and develop needed routines. Development of advanced visualization modules. Collaborate on the creation of the documentation required by the European Commission for all the different milestones of the project.
Specific knowledge is required in the following areas:
- Experience on software engineering processes and general programming skills
- Experience on software configuration control tools (e.g. subversion and ivy)
- Extensive experience in JAVA and/or Python programming languages
- Experience with Dockerand virtualization techniques will be an asset
- Interest on 3D software techniques (especially cross-platform engines like Unity
- Interest in Astronomy
- Linux and PC/Windows environment
Specific Qualification Requirements
Position covered by this work package will require at least a University degree or equivalent in computer science or related fields
Other Information
The selected provider must be willing to short travels for the development of the project . Good interpersonal and communication skills, together with a pro-active attitude to problem solving is required. The candidate must be fluent in written and spoken English.
Interested cadidates should contact us through the contact form provided in these pages. We will get in conatct with you and request a CV and if needed, reference letters.