Industrial Doctorate

Industrial Doctorate: Development of forest wildfire risk maps in real time using remote sensing techniques for the Comunidad de Madrid

Forest fires have become a pressing issue in today’s world due to the growing frequency and severity of these disasters. In response to this challenge, Quasar has launched an industrial PhD project to develop a fire risk model. The project awarded by the Industrial Doctorate program of the Comunidad de […]

Industrial Doctorate: Evaluation of Agricultural Systems through Remote Sensing Time Series and Dynamic Models Prediction

In July 2020, Quasar submitted, in collaboration with the Department of Forest Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, a project with title Evaluation of Agricultural Systems through Remote Sensing Time Series and Dynamic Models Prediction, to the Industrial Doctorate programme of the Comunidad de Madrid. We are happy to announce […]

Paper on Nature Communications: Surface-controlled reversal of the selectivity of halogen bonds

Quasar’s Jaime Carracero has participated in the work which has resulted in the publication of the Nature Communications paper with title: Surface-controlled reversal of the selectivity of halogen bonds. ABSTRACT: “Intermolecular halogen bonds are ideally suited for designing new molecular assemblies because of their strong directionality and the possibility […]

Industrial Doctorate: QUARTIC (QUantum ARtificial intelligence Techniques In reinforCement learning)

In September 2019 Quasar submitted in collaboration with the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid a project called QUARTIC to the Industrial Doctorate programme of the Comunidad de Madrid. We are happy to announce that our 3 year project has been accepted and we plan to start […]

Industrial Doctorate: Artificial Intelligence Recognition of Atomic Force Microscopy Molecular Images

Quasar Science Resources announced on the 31st of October that it was looking for candidates for an opportunity to request and Industrial Doctorate (Convocatoria 2017 para la concesión de ayudas para la realización de Doctorados Industriales en la Comunidad de Madrid) to do a PhD Thesis in the field of […]